hrp0095p2-275 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2022

A female with 46,XX gonadal dysgenesis presenting with hypergonadotropic hypogonadism and normal height

Ju Choi Young , Jeong Jang Min , Young Cho In , Ho Jung Min , Suh Byung-Kyu

Introduction: Genes on the X chromosome (BMP15, FMR1) and autosomal chromosomes (FOXL2, RSPO1, WNT4) are known to influence ovarian development. 46,XX gonadal dysgenesis is a rare disease caused by chromosomal abnormalities, genetic mutations, and postnatal ovarian damage, leading to premature ovarian failure.Case Report: A 16-year-old female presented with primary amenorrhea and poor breast development. She was born at ...

hrp0095p1-459 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2022

Usefulness of glycated albumin level as a glycemic index complementing glycosylated hemoglobin in children and adolescents

Ju Choi Young , Jeong Jang Min , Shin Chungwoo , Bae Ahn Moon , Ho Jung Min , Suh Byung-Kyu

Introduction: Serum glycated albumin (GA) is a glycemic marker reflecting the average serum glucose values for the previous 2 weeks. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of serum GA as a glycemic index complementing glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in children and adolescents.Methods: Fifty-four children and adolescents with diabetes mellitus (DM) and 98 children and adolescents without DM (Non-DM) wer...

hrp0095p2-241 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

Primary polydipsia in a male adolescent

Jeong Jang Min , Ju Choi Young , Shin Jungwoo , Bae Ahn Moon , Ho Jung Min , Suh Byung-Kyu

Introduction: Primary polydipsia is rare during adolescence and is known to be associated with psychiatric disorders or psychological stress. Differential diagnosis includes endocrine, neurologic, renal, and iatrogenic causes.Case Report: A 14-year-old male presented with polydipsia and polyuria that persisted for 6 years. His fluid intake was about 9 liters a day and he woke up for voiding once or two times every night....